

Practicing the TREAD Lightly Principles means being a good steward of America’s Public Lands. We rely on volunteers all across the country just like you. Helping to keep trail open and healthy by Doing Your Part. If there is an local area that we haven’t got to yet that could use some TLC (Tread Lightly! Care), fill out the form below and we’ll see what we can do to lend a hand.

Although we focus on motorized access, we can also help with other use trails. So don’t let that stop you. If you have already done your project, even if just picked up trash out on the trail, send us the info and we’ll get a TLC sticker out to you!

Some things to look out for when out on the trail.

  • Damaged signage.
  • Lots of trash.
  • Blocked access.
  • Vandalism.

With TLC, we can keep access open to motorized users by incorporating VOLUNTEERS, MAINTENANCE, CLEAN-UPS and STEWARDSHIP.

Be sure to follow us on Social Media to keep up to date with all the upcoming opportunities.

Submit a Project

Fill out the form here.

    Tread Lightly! can support projects in many ways. Including funding for equipment, fees, volunteer support and misc. project based costs. Apply for a grant here to see how we can work together.